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Test Kits

Test Kits

Regular price $0.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $0.00 USD
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CBH Energetics can determine your energetic health through scanning of hair and saliva. Whether you purchased a kit at a nearby retailer or here on our site, collecting these samples is the first step in creating balanced health and helping yourself achieve wellness.
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  • Collect samples and fill out forms

  • Return Forms and Samples using included Shipping Label

  • Results emailed in 7 business days. Energetic balancing tincture will be shipped out when results are available.

Digital Reports

Comprehsive Digital Reports

Easy to Read

A comprehensive analysis of your energetic health is detailed in our concise reports


Every client receives a unique and completely personalized protocol based on their DNA

Practical & Actionable

Our trained providers will empower you with a sustainable, comprehensive roadmap to optimal health and well-being